The “Textalyzer” Coming to a Road or Highway Near You: New Technology to Combat Texting and Driving


Distracted Driving about to be Crushed in New York State

New York  will look too become the first State to legalize the use of a “textalyzer” to determine if a driver was texting before being involved an a traffic collision. This technology was developed by an Israeli firm named Cellibrite. Cellebrite is the firm that many believe was involved in the cracking of the much publicized Apple iPhone case.

The new law if approved will be enforced in much the same way a DWI stop is handled. Simply by carrying or signing a NYS permit or License would give a police officer “implied consent” to this new test. Refusal to submit to the “textalyzer”  would mean an automatic suspension of revocation of your driving privaleges. The test would only be used to determine if the mobile device was used to text prior to the accident. The content of the text would remain private under the Forth Ammendment right ot privacy.

This new technology will have the ability to determine if a crash involved a driver distracted while texting. Cellebrite already has the technology, so preparing it as a roadside testing device would be something easy for them to develop.

Texting and Driving a Major US Problem

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has reported that more than eight people die and over 1,161 people because of distracted driving collisions each day! This number is rapidly approaching driving while intoxicated as the leading killer of americans in traffic accidents. Teenagers are once again the leaders in the category of texting and driving accidents. Matter of fact more than 3000 teens die each year in distracted driving crashes.

When someone sends a text or even receives a text they take their eyes off the road for an average of five seconds. At fifty five miles per hour that is the equivalent of driving the length of a football field. That is virtually driving one hundred yards with your eyes closed.

This new law could help reduce a growing problem in New York and perhaps around the country if it is adopted. Since 2011 police in New York have seen an 840% in tickets for texting and driving!

The best answer is zero tolerance. Turn the phone off and lock it up until you are done driving. If you must use it pull off the road to a safe space. This needs to be taught to our new driving population now! Inexperience as well immaturity provide a recipe for disastor when behind the wheel. Driving is a complex task and requires your undivided attention 100% of the time.

If you want more information on texting and driving check out my article “Texting and Driving the New Clear and Present Danger.” You can also find many more valuable tips on our RESOURCES page. Sign up for our email list and get a FREE Manual “Key to Passing Your Road Test.”

Good luck and Safe Driving!


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