Getting your driver’s license represents freedom, maturity and independence. With this newly acquired freedom comes an increased responsibility. Remember however; that getting your license is a privilege not a right. Driving a motor vehicle is a fluid process. Once you receive your license you are continuing to learn and gain valuable experience. The valuable experience required for a lifetime of safe and defensive driving. Passing your road test is only the beginning. Now it is up to you . Take this complex task seriously. Take the lessons you have learned and apply them for a lifetime of safe and defensive driving. Here a few tips to help you pass your road test.
Pass Your Driving Road Test the First Time!
Be Organized
Arrive to the Test Site early.
Have all the necessary documents (permit, pre-licensing class etc.).
Have all vehicle documents: inspection, insurance and registration.
Make sure your car is clean and in good working order.
Vehicle Control
In this 20 minute or so evaluation of your driving skill the road test examiner will be looking at the following skills:
Acceleration: smooth and moderate.
Braking: gentle stops, examiner should feel only a slight rock back as all 4 tires come to a complete stop.
Steering: controlled hand over hand turning making sure to keep the front end of your car out in proper lane position.
Speed: make sure you obey all posted speed limits. Very rarely will you go over 30 mph during the duration of the test.
Following Distance: maintain a good 2 second following distance between you and the car in front of you.
Lateral Maneuvers
A lateral maneuver is defined as any movement your car makes side to side or lane to lane. Here are a few examples:
Leaving the curb to start the exam.
Lane change
Three point turn
Leaving the curb after parallel park
A lateral maneuver should always be performed in the following order. No exceptions!
Signal your intent
Check your mirrors
Check your blind spot over appropriate shoulder
Handling Intersections
During your road test you will be asked to display your knowledge of controlled and uncontrolled intersections. It is important to be familiar with all right of way laws. Here are some tips for handling intersections:
At a stop sign or light with a cross walk make sure you stop completely before the cross walk. Let any pedestrians cross before proceeding.
If there is a stop line, make sure all 4 tires are stopped behind this line.
If there is no stop line or cross walk, draw an “imaginary line” from one sidewalk to the other sidewalk and stop behind this line you have created.
At stop signs make sure you make one complete stop (rock back) at the appropriate location before edging up closer to check traffic.
If you are asked to make a left turn at an unprotected intersection (no green arrow). Make sure you:
Stop behind the stop line or cross walk if traffic is heavy. If the light turns red stay there and wait for next cycle of lights.
Once you see the opportunity to make your left turn, pull under the light and execute your turn when there is a large enough gap in traffic. If the light turns red over your head, complete your turn. You are protected by right of way law.
Always signal and keep your wheels straight until you may complete your turn This way if you are struck from behind you will not be pushed into oncoming traffic.
Parallel Parking
Parallel parking is a great opportunity for the road test examiner to test you skills of going in reverse. Make sure you are always looking back over your shoulder when going in reverse. Do not just rely on your mirrors. Parallel parking is a learned task and requires lots of practice. If you want a detailed description sign up for my FREE ROAD TEST GUIDE on the right side bar. Here you will get a simple description of the maneuver with a diagram!
Three Point Turn
The road test examiner will want to see you handle the car in tight spaces, so you will be asked to perform a 3 point turn or as it is sometimes called a K turn. Remember to signal to the curb when prompted by the examiner. When you leave the curb remember to signal, check your mirrors and finally check your blind spot. Remember to look back over your shoulder when going in reverse. I have provided a detailed description and a diagram on my FREE ROAD TIPS GUIDE! Sign up on the right side bar.
Be Relaxed!
Stay calm, be polite, and listen to the examiner. Let them do most of the talking. If you should fail the exam, ask the examiner what you need to work on, so that you can pass the next time. Most individuals fail because of the following reasons:
Poor car control
Excessive speed
Failure to stop completely at a stop sign
Disobeying a right of way law
Handling an unprotected intersection improperly
I hope these tips help you out! Remember to sign up for our FREE ROAD TEST TIP GUIDE. Good luck and safe driving.
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