How to Handle Road Rage! Important Driver Education Tips You Need to Implement Now!

Aggressive Driving and Road Rage

Aggressive Driving is defined as an angry, impatient motorist who is possibly upset over a traffic dispute, altercation or simply a contempt or disdain with the way you drive.

Road Rage is defined as an extreme display of aggression by a driver that may result in a physical altercation with another driver.

In the video above a former police officer in Australia is chased, attacked and assaulted by an aggressive driver. The entire chase is recorded on his windshield dash cam. The video shows how the simple displeasure and impatience of an aggressive drive can escalate into extreme road rage. Fortunately the driver a former Australian police officer remains calm enough to contact the authorities and escape physical harm. The car however; did not fare as well. The chase takes place on highways sidewalks and the back roads of Queensland, Australia.

Please note in the video that Australians drive on the left side of the road. Australians also use different terminology when referring to their cars and roadways. Take the time to watch this and reflect on how you may have responded to this situation if it happened to you.

Steps to De-Escalate Aggressive Drivers

  1. Remain Calm
  2. Avoid any and all Eye Contact
  3. Get out of their way! Pull over and let them go by!
  4. Ignore the yelling and the gestures and by no means return them!
  5. Put your Pride Aside! The highway is no place to begin a “road rage” war. A 2000 pound car becomes a dangerous and deadly weapon.
  6. Call 911! If you have a passenger have them call. If not try to pull over and make the call yourself. If the chase continues like the video than you have no other choice but to make the call while you are driving! Be Careful!

Are you to Blame! Do you Drive Defensively!

Of course you cannot be blamed when you become the victim of road rage, but by following certain simple defensive driving principles you may avoid aggressive drivers. Little things like tailgating, obeying traffic laws, and using your turn signal may be enough to avoid road rage.

It is also important to check your blind spot when changing lanes and never use your cell phone when driving. Using your horn and forgetting to turn off your high beams could also trigger an aggressive driver. Most importantly always use a two second following distance when driving at speed 45 mph and under, and for seconds when driving at freeway speeds! It is equally as important to have a good visual lead time in order to identify problems well in advance in your driving path. Twelve seconds is good for speeds under 45 mph and twenty seconds is preferred at freeway speeds.

Scary Road Rage Statistics!

The American Safety Council reports that 66% of traffic fatalities are caused by road rage and aggressive drivers. 37% of aggressive driving incidents involve a firearm! Half of all drivers admit to responding to the rude behaviors of aggressive these aggressive drivers. Males ages 19 and under are the most likely to be involved in road rage! One other scary statistic reported by the ASC is the fact that 2% of motorists admit to trying to run aggressive drivers off the road!

It is normal to become agitated and frustrated when confronted by an aggressive driver. Maintaining a cool, calm collected attitude is the only proper response to these aggressors. Is it really worth the fight? Swallow your pride and follow the important steps above!

If you want more important information on any an all topics concerning defensive driving and driver education be sure to check out our RESOURCES page! Also be sure to check out my two new books on the BOOKS AND PRODUCTS page! Don’t forget to sign up for an online DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE and save 10% on your insurance for 3 consecutive years! Use the coupon code SAFEDRIVER to save $10.00.

Yours in Safe Driving,


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