Buying auto insurance does not have to be an intimidating and complicated experience. A basic understanding of how the insurance system works and what coverages you need to purchase is really all you need to know to get you started. Insurance companies want to attract the best drivers to their companies. Making money in the insurance industry is simple. The less money they payout in claims, the more money they make in profit! Understand that buying auto insurance is very similar to purchasing any other big ticket item. So, determine how much coverage you need, and then shop around for the best price!
Getting your driver’s license represents freedom, maturity and independence. With this newly acquired freedom comes an increased responsibility. Remember however; that getting your license is a privilege not a right. Driving a motor vehicle is a fluid process. Once you receive your license you are continuing to learn and gain valuable experience. The valuable experience required for a lifetime of safe and defensive driving. Passing your road test is only the beginning. Now it is up to you . Take this complex task seriously. Take the lessons you have learned and apply them for a lifetime of safe and defensive driving. Here a few tips to help you pass your road test.
Many adults who took a driver education course in the late 1970’s through the early 80’s may remember watching the “iconic” seat belt movie “Room to Live.” The movie featured an energetic retired police officer named Jack Ware. In this video he helped to debunk many of the foolish myths regular drivers came to believe about car crashes.
The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety has proclaimed the time period between Memorial Day and Labor Day the “100 Deadliest Days.” During this time period teenage crashes increase significantly! In fact more than 5000 traffic fatalities have been attributed to teenage drivers during this dangerous three month period. That is why I have timed the release of my new book “Save Your Teenage Driver’s Life”🙁 Important Strategies to Teach a New Driver Now!) to coincide with these “100 Deadliest Days.”
How to start your Teen in Driver Education: The Right Way!
Is your teenager getting ready to start driving? Or perhaps they just began and your really not satisfied with the progress they have made. How do they apply for a license? What classes does my teen need to take before getting their license? How can we save on insurance?
The technology for self-driving cars is already here. It is being continuously updated and refined as we speak! Matter of fact there are some self-driving vehicles already on our roadways!
Distracted Driving about to be Crushed in New York State
New York will look too become the first State to legalize the use of a “textalyzer” to determine if a driver was texting before being involved an a traffic collision. This technology was developed by an Israeli firm named Cellibrite. Cellebrite is the firm that many believe was involved in the cracking of the much publicized Apple iPhone case.
Are you teenager preparing for your road test? Or perhaps an adult who just wants to park a little closer to that restaurant or special event! Well then you’ve come to the right place. Parallel Parking in 4 Easy Steps!